Saturday, December 15, 2012


The shadows of times leave behind a contrail of mist. The barren mind thinks for the first time and gets out of the panorama of this ruddy mysterious life. The glamour has eaten up all the surface of glory. This misty contrail is the only thing left with this barren mind which is trying to be productive in a world which in habitats the only surviving rational specie of this universe. May be when the particles of nature were connecting, the only thing which made a difference was time. Time is the fourth dimension of life. It is always there at any execution of any process of the space. 

I am not a backpacker but sometimes, I feel there is a load I am responsible of, sometimes I feel I am carrying a whole lot of life on my back, thoughts, ideas & the super heavy law of survival. As I continue to breathe I feel as if I am travelling. Perhaps I think this happens with all of us. All of us are moving, at a pace which is indescribable, like an unplanned plan, dimensionless with just time around.  
So aren’t we backpackers? travelers? hitchhikers? Yes, We all are.

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